#FNC2020online# "The officer and his wife will always be remembered by the court portraits. The dead will vanish into nothing. In times like this, it is more important to talk about the dead than about the living. Don't take people's spirit away. I will die without leaving a mark because I don't have a history. Tell my story and the story of the dead."
2023-6-8 (5星比例过高,我抑制一下)我推荐的任贤齐边缘行者免费播放冠军——蚂蚁军团,小动物大智慧,这就是老子所说的柔弱胜刚强,集体力量胜过单打冠军。老虎狮子是公认的动物之王,但他们在地球生存还存在艰难,而蚂蚁已经不存在生存问题。